WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE held within The Cairngorm Hotel, Aviemore on 14th January 2005 at 10.30am PRESENT Eric Baird Sandy Park Stuart Black Andrew Rafferty Sally Dowden Gregor Rimell Basil Dunlop David Selfridge Douglas Glass Joyce Simpson Angus Gordon Sheena Slimon Lucy Grant Richard Stroud David Green Andrew Thin Willie McKenna Susan Walker Eleanor Mackintosh Bob Wilson Anne MacLean IN ATTENDANCE: Don McKee Andrew Tait Neil Stewart Pip Mackie APOLOGIES: Duncan Bryden Bruce Luffman Marcus Humphrey Alastair MacLennan WELCOME AND APOLOGIES 1. The Convenor welcomed all present. 2. Apologies were received from Duncan Bryden, Marcus Humphrey, Bruce Luffman and Alastair MacLennan. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING 3. The minutes of the previous meeting, 30th December 2004, held in Ballater were approved. DECLARATION OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS ON ANY ITEMS APPEARING ON THE AGENDA 4. Anne MacLean declared an interest in Planning Application No. 05/013/CP. 5. Richard Stroud declared an interest in Item No. 9 on the Agenda (Paper 3). PLANNING APPLICATION CALL-IN DECISIONS (Oral Presentation, Andrew Tait) 6. 04/598/CP - The decision was to Call-in this application for the following reason: • The nature of the application, the height of the mast and its position on a prominent, well known hill top at a location designated as a National Scenic Area, National Nature Reserve, Candidate SAC and Site of Special Scientific Interest means that the proposal raises issues in relation to nature conservation, landscape, recreation and economic and social development. The proposal therefore, may raise issues of general significance to the collective aims of the Cairngorms National Park. 7. 05/001/CP - No Call-in 8. 05/002/CP - No Call-in 9. 05/003/CP - The decision was to Call-in this application for the following reason: • The proposal involves the siting of man made structures in the remote core mountain zone of the National Park. The site is also within a heavily designated location, including National Scenic Area, National Nature Reserve, Special Area of Conservation, Site of Special Scientific Interest and Special Protection Area designations. As such, the proposal may raise issues of general significance in relation to the conservation and enhancement of the natural heritage of the area. 10. 05/004/CP - No Call-in 11. 05/005/CP - No Call-in 12. 05/006/CP - No Call-in 13. 05/007/CP - No Call-in 14. 05/008/CP - No Call-in 15. 05/009/CP - No Call-in 16. 05/010/CP - No Call-in 17. 05/011/CP - No Call-in 18. 05/012/CP - No Call-in Anne MacLean declared an interest and left the room. 19. 05/013/CP - The decision was to Call-in this application for the following reason: • The proposal is for two affordable houses in an area designated as a restricted countryside area in the Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan on the site of a camp site shower block, in a treed area. The proposal raises issues in relation to affordable housing, recreation and enjoyment of the nearby camp site and the protection of adjacent trees. Given this, the proposal may raise issues of significance in relation to the collective aims of the Cairngorms National Park. Anne MacLean returned. COMMENTING ON APPLICATIONS NOT CALLED-IN BY THE COMMITTEE 20. It was agreed that comments be made to the Local Authorities on Planning Application No’s 05/004/CP, 05/006/CP, 05/007/CP, 05/008/CP & 05/012/CP. 21. The Aberdeenshire Councillor declared an interest and left the room. 22. It was agreed to submit the following comments to Aberdeenshire Council on Planning Application No. 05/004/CP: With regard to its aim of promoting sustainable economic and social development the CNPA would recommend that the occupation of the house is tied to the economic outdoor activity use at the site. 23. It was agreed to submit the following comments to Aberdeenshire Council on Planning Application No. 05/006/CP: The CNPA would raise concern regarding the scale of the proposed container and its appropriateness in this part of the Braemar Conservation Area. 24. It was agreed to submit the following comments to Aberdeenshire Council on Planning Application No. 05/007/CP: In terms of its cultural heritage aim the CNPA would recommend that the layout and design of the houses are in-keeping with their surroundings. The Aberdeenshire Councillor returned. 25. The Highland Councillors declared an interest and left the room. 26. It was agreed to submit the following comments to Highland Council on Planning Application No. 05/008//CP: With regard to its aims of promoting sustainable social and economic development and public enjoyment of the park, the CNPA support the proposal in principle. The CNPA note that the extension moves the footprint of the building closer to the Allt Mhor Site of Community Interest and would recommend that adequate measures are put in place during construction to ensure that there is no discharge to the burn during construction. 27. It was agreed to submit the following comments to Highland Council on Planning Application No. 05/012/CP: In relation to its natural and cultural heritage aims the CNPA note that the application site is located within the Grantown-on-Spey Conservation Area. The CNPA also note that a large sycamore tree at the corner of the entrance to the site is to be retained and would recommend that adequate tree protection measures are put in place to ensure that there is no damage to the tree or its root system. 28. The Highland Councillors returned. REPORT ON CALLED-IN PLANNING APPLICATION FOR THE ERECTION OF FOOTBRIDGE AT CLUNIEBANK ROAD, BRAEMAR (Paper 1) 29. Andrew Tait presented a paper recommending that the Committee approve the application subject to the conditions stated in the report. 30. Willie McKenna queried if there were plans for a path along Cluniebank Road to make the proposed Bridge more accessible for less abled people. 31. Andrew Tait responded that although a footpath was not included in this proposal along Cluniebank Road, Braemar Community Council had intimated that they would be happy for a footpath in this location and that such a proposal may come forward in the future. 32. Susan Walker asked if a maintenance condition could be included. 33. Andrew Tait confirmed that a management statement could be requested from the Applicant and a maintenance condition included. 34. The application was approved subject to the conditions stated in the report and with the addition of a condition requiring a maintenance agreement for the bridge. REPORT ON CALLED-IN PLANNING APPLICATION FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF BOB SCOTTS BOTHY, MAR LODGE ESTATE, BRAEMAR (PAPER 2) 35. Neil Stewart presented a paper recommending that the Committee approve the application subject to the conditions stated in the report. 36. Douglas Glass asked if a management and maintenance condition could be included. Neil Stewart confirmed that it could. 37. Andrew Rafferty queried whether a source of fuel would be available for users of the Bothy, as there had been instances of bothies being dismantled to provide fuel for users. NS responded that users were expected to provide their own source of fuel. NS also confirmed that the Applicant was discussing, with Aberdeenshire Council, measures to improve fire safety which included an enclosed range in the Bothy. NS confirmed he would emphasise the fire safety to the applicants and the Estate. 38. David Green queried if the stone at the base of the walls had become brittle due to the fire damage. Neil Stewart stated that he was not sure of the quality of the stone but would pass the concerns on to the Applicant. 39. Richard Stroud asked if the use of fire retardant materials could be investigated for the reconstruction of the Bothy. RS raised the point that an option for the future would be to reinstate Derry Lodge for walkers/climbers to use. 40. Neil Stewart confirmed that this was a point raised by Aberdeenshire Council Planners and that the CNPA’s desire to see the reinstatement of Derry Lodge could also be put in writing to the Estate. 41. Bob Wilson asked if the use of an aluminium strip between the stone and wood of the reconstructed Bothy could be incorporated as a place to rest candles whilst minimising the fire risk. NS again advised that matters of fire safety could be raised with the applicants and Estate. 42. The Committee approved the application subject to the conditions in the report and additional conditions that a management and maintenance programme is put in place and the use of fire retardant materials is encouraged. CONSULTATION RESPONSE FOR EXRACTION OF GRANITE PROCESSING, STOCKPILING AND RECYCLING OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE AT CRAIGLICH WOODLANDS, NR. TARLAND, ABOYNE (Paper 3) 43. Richard Stroud declared an interest and left the room. 44. Neil Stewart presented a paper recommending that the Committee agree the findings of the report as the CNPA’s response to Aberdeenshire Council on the consultation. 45. Douglas Glass stated that there was a lot of local opposition to the quarry and felt that the tone of the comments submitted should be even more negative. 46. Willie McKenna queried if this quarry would provide materials for local path builders/repairers, as there was a presumption against borrow pits being created. 47. Eric Baird informed the Committee that the proposed quarry was to excavate bedrock which would be of no use to path builders. He also stated that borrow pits tended to be opened close to the site of work. 48. Neil Stewart clarified that the main market area intended for the proposed quarry was Aberdeen and the construction industry and the benefits to local path builders in the Park would be minimal. 49. Sheena Slimon advised that the local communities were against the proposal and their views should be taken into account. Douglas Glass clarified that the local communities had concerns regarding the landscape impacts on an important tourist route/industry. 50. Lucy Grant queried if the cultural heritage and archaeological aspects of large excavation sites were investigated before any work commenced. Neil Stewart confirmed that they were, but that theses were direct impacts which Aberdeenshire Council would be addressing. 51. The Committee agreed the findings of the report and comments to be submitted but wished paragraphs 18a and c to be amended and to strengthen concerns about landscape and visual impact. 52. Richard Stroud returned. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 53. In response to a query, Andrew Thin confirmed that the revision of Standing Orders would be considered at an informal discussion to be held on the 28th January 2005 where the CNPA planning staff would bring an informal paper to the meeting. 54. Don McKee advised the Committee that it would be useful for Board Members to submit any thoughts they may have on the revision of the Standing Orders to the Planning team prior to the meeting. 55. Sheena Slimon asked if there was an update on the Beauly to Denny Transmission Line. Don McKee advised that he would discuss the matter with Norman Brockie, Local Plan Policy Officer, and a short report would be prepared and circulated to the Board Members briefing the current progress of the Transmission Line. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 56. Friday 28th January, Ballater. 57. Committee Members are requested to ensure that any Apologies for this meeting are submitted to the Planning Office in Ballater. 58. The meeting concluded at 11.55hrs.